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Smart Warehousing: An Updated Guide for Manufacturers (2024)

Warehousing has come a long way from being simple storage spaces for products. Today, technology has transformed the traditional warehouse into an intricate and efficient ecosystem known as “smart warehousing.”

If you’re managing a warehouse or overseeing manufacturing processes, you might already be familiar with the growing need for greater visibility, flexibility, and automation.

Smart warehousing is the answer to these challenges.

In this article, we’ll explain what smart warehousing is, how smart warehousing works, what IoT devices are used in smart warehouses, the benefits of smart warehousing, and the future of smart warehouses for manufacturers.


What Is Smart Warehousing?

Smart warehousing is the integration of advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and data analytics to streamline warehouse operations. Unlike traditional warehouses that rely heavily on manual processes, a smart warehouse uses automation to improve accuracy, speed, and efficiency.

You may already be facing the pressure of faster fulfillment times, minimizing errors, or reducing operating costs. Smart warehousing aims to tackle those exact pain points by using real-time data and automated systems. But before we dive into the specific technologies involved, let’s take a closer look at how a smart warehouse operates.


How Does Smart Warehousing Work?

The concept of smart warehousing rests on connecting all aspects of the warehouse via data. At a basic level, every part of your warehouse is capable of communicating through devices and systems that are integrated and interconnected, whether they’re connected to the cloud and your ERP system, or connected locally to each other, or both.

These systems gather and share information in the moment so that you can make decisions based on the current state of your warehouse rather than relying on old and potentially outdated data.

Here’s how a typical smart warehouse works:

Smart Receiving

When products or raw materials arrive, sensors and IoT-enabled devices automatically record their entry into the system. Barcodes or RFID tags instantly update inventory levels and even provide information on where the items should be stored. This process frees up your team’s time and mental energy so they can work on bigger, more meaningful tasks. It also reduces the risk of human error when restocking.

Smart Warehouse Storage

Once an item enters your warehouse, smart storage solutions automatically allocate the most efficient storage location based on various factors like space availability and any conditions required by the product, like refrigeration. If the item needs refrigeration, for example, smart sensors ensure it’s placed in the right area with proper temperature control.

Smart Picking and Packing

Instead of manually walking through aisles to pick items for an order, smart warehouses often deploy automated guided vehicles (AGVs), robotic arms, or drones to pick items efficiently. These robots work hand-in-hand with warehouse workers. Your workers can focus on more complex tasks while robots handle repetitive and physically demanding jobs. IoT devices can track each step of the process, ensuring everything is on time and accurate.

Smart Shipping

Before an order leaves the warehouse, data from IoT devices can help ensure that everything is packed correctly and labeled appropriately. You’ll get real-time updates about shipping status, and integration with logistics systems can even suggest the most efficient delivery routes based on current traffic conditions or weather data.

With all of these elements working together, the entire operation becomes more seamless and significantly faster, while also reducing the likelihood of human error. By taking a holistic and technologically advanced approach like this, you can keep up with and potentially edge out the competition.

What IoT Devices Power a Smart Warehouse?

IoT devices are the backbone of any smart warehouse. These devices collect and share data about your warehouse environment, equipment, inventory, and more. You may already use some of these devices in your operations, but when interconnected and optimized, their potential becomes unignorable.

Here are some of the key IoT devices that will transform your warehouse:

RFID Tags and Sensors

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags and sensors are essential tools in smart warehousing. They enable real-time tracking of inventory, providing accurate and up-to-date data. With these devices, you can easily track where each item is, reducing the chances of misplaced or lost goods.

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)

AGVs are robots that can transport goods around the warehouse without needing human intervention. Equipped with sensors, cameras, and navigation systems, these vehicles optimize the picking and delivery process within the warehouse. This reduces the need for workers to move heavy loads or walk long distances, freeing them up for tasks that need human intervention.

Smart Shelving and Storage Systems

IoT-enabled shelving can detect the weight of items and notify you when stock levels are low or an item is stored incorrectly. This type of automation reduces time spent on manual inventory checks and helps maintain optimal stock levels.

Environmental Sensors

If you’re storing temperature-sensitive items like food, pharmaceuticals, or chemicals, smart environmental sensors can monitor conditions such as temperature, humidity, and even air quality. These sensors send alerts when conditions fall outside predefined thresholds, helping prevent spoilage or product damage.

Wearable Technology

Devices like smart glasses or wristbands provide real-time data to workers, and even about workers. Does it seem a little “1984”? Perhaps, but it’s for your workers’ health and safety.

As an example of helpful wearable tech, smart glasses can display picking instructions or guide workers to the correct location in the warehouse without the need for handheld scanners or paper instructions.

Wearable tech can also help workers avoid accidents by providing alerts, or even measure their temperature to keep illness out of the workplace.


Yes, drones are being used in warehouses, too! Drones equipped with cameras and sensors can perform inventory checks in large warehouses more quickly than a person could. They can fly up to high shelves, scan barcodes, and send data directly to the warehouse management system, significantly speeding up inventory audits.

IoT-enabled Forklifts

These forklifts are equipped with sensors and cameras that provide real-time data on their performance and location. They can even be connected to fleet management systems to ensure optimal usage and maintenance schedules.

By integrating these IoT devices, your warehouse becomes more than just a storage facility. It becomes an intelligent, automated environment that’s capable of responding to changes in real-time and optimizing itself continuously. 


6 Benefits of Smart Warehousing

You’re likely weighing the pros and cons of investing in smart warehousing technology. Let’s break down some of the key benefits that help you streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve accuracy.

1. Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Manual tasks such as picking, packing, and inventory tracking are time-consuming and prone to human error. By automating these tasks with IoT devices and robotics, you can free up your team to focus on more value-added activities.

Automated systems can operate 24/7, increasing throughput and reducing downtime and enhancing other manufacturing KPIs on the way. Whether you’re dealing with seasonal spikes in demand or just aiming to fulfill orders faster, automation helps you meet those goals head-on.

2. Real-time Inventory Visibility

Smart warehousing gives you the ability to see the status of your inventory at any moment. Instead of relying on scheduled manual stock counts, you can track inventory in real-time with RFID tags, drones, or smart shelving.

This visibility can help reduce stockouts, overstocking, and costly misplacements. Plus, real-time data allows for more accurate forecasting, making it easier to maintain an optimal balance between supply and demand.

3. Enhanced Accuracy

Mistakes in picking and shipping can lead to costly returns, unhappy customers, and logistical headaches.

With smart warehousing technology, the margin for error decreases significantly.

IoT devices can double-check every step of the process, from ensuring the correct items are picked to making sure they’re packed and shipped according to customer specifications. In turn, you’ll notice fewer returns, and your customers will happily return to you time and time again.

4. Cost Savings

Although the initial investment in smart warehousing technology might seem significant, the long-term cost savings are motivational. Automation reduces labor costs, improves space utilization, and minimizes waste. You’ll also see cost reductions in areas like energy consumption because IoT devices help optimize lighting and temperature control based on real-time occupancy and environmental conditions.

On top of all that, fewer errors mean less money spent on correcting mistakes or managing returns.

5. Improved Safety

Warehouse environments can be risky, especially when dealing with heavy equipment, high shelving, or temperature-sensitive products.

IoT-enabled devices can help you monitor safety conditions more closely.

For example, AGVs can transport items, reducing the risk of injury for workers who would otherwise be moving heavy loads.

Wearable technology can also track worker movements and alert them if they’re approaching hazardous areas, working in unsafe conditions, or not wearing their PPE.

6. Data-Driven Decision Making

The wealth of data collected by IoT devices in a smart warehouse offers invaluable insights into your operations. You can analyze this data to identify inefficiencies, predict maintenance needs, or spot trends that could impact future demand.

This data-driven approach gives you the ability to make informed decisions that lead to better resource allocation, improved customer service, and overall stronger business performance.


The Future of Smart Warehousing

It’s clear that the future of warehousing is smart and the benefits of making the shift are hard to ignore. If you’re responsible for overseeing warehouse or manufacturing operations, adopting smart warehousing technology will give you a competitive edge, ensuring you stay ahead in an increasingly complex global supply chain landscape.

With the right IoT devices and systems in place, you can create a more responsive, efficient, and safe environment for your team while delivering better service to your customers. We believe that smart warehousing is not just a trend—it’s the next step in revolutionizing the way warehouses operate.


Learn More from ProphecyIoT’s Expert Team

As you explore smart warehousing or other IIoT solutions, consider how integrating IoT into your operations can help you solve current challenges and future-proof your business. We’re here to help guide you through that journey by providing you with the tools, insights, and expert guidance you need to make smart decisions about your warehouse.

Let’s put the power in your hands. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.


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